February 25th Gardening Activites

I try to follow Ed Humes Yearly Garden Almanac. It is an inexpensive month by month moon sign gardening calender. I have had great success with planting by the moon.

I go through it and highlight the things I plan to do and leave it paperclipped open on my desk as a garden to-do reminder.

Today was blistery cold and rainy. But I took my hand rake to the garden and planted Super Sugar Snap Peas down the center of one of our 25 foot raised beds. By the time I was finished it was snowing and the next morning we woke up to 1 1/2" of snow. Funny how the weather is?

I also started 13 heirloom varities of tomatoes in peat pots:

-Oregon Spring (breed as a main crop tomato for the nortwest)
-San Marjano (early roma type) Love this kind for drying.
-Early Kaus Ali (early sauce type)

-Black Plum (this variety has produced very well for us and the flavor is wonderful)
-Stupice (2" oval red)
-Yellow Pear (cherry size) Grown by my grandparents and a must for our family garden.
-Reisenstraube (a German grape variety)
-Moon Yellow Huang Se Chieh (medium size yellow tomato)
-Green Zebra (medium size green tomato with stripes)
-Volvograd (4 to 8 oz. Russian red tomato)
-Willamette (medium size Pacific Northwest variety)
-Lil Pink (large pink cheery tomato)

-Early Ssubakus Aliana (Eastern European 2" long yellow tomato)

Our goal with all these different varities are two-fold.
1-Test for the varieties that produce the most in our climate.
2-Enjoy a variety of color and shapes to feed the soul, as well as the body.

These are bakery racks and tray that we attached grow lights to. The lights were purchased from the local hardware store. I love how I can adjust the height as the plants grow. They have wheels on them and the trays pull out for easy watering and care.

I have 2 extra racks with 15 trays each, if anyone is interested in purchasing them. Please contact me at; kristinef@clearwire.net


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