~Herbal Handcrafted Soap ~
October 10, 2015
At my home in Bonney Lake, WA
10 am to 2:30 ~ $75
***Make reservations for two
and you each will receive $10 off***
Lunch Included
Plus ...lots of FUN!
Detailed Handouts, Step-by-Step instructions
and demonstration, plus Hands-on.
You will learn:
- Soap Making Techniques
- Ingredients and Where to Acquire Them
-Herbal Additions
-Bar Shaping
-Soap for Body, Shampoo and Laundry
-Soap Packaging and Storage
Cold & Hot Processed methods demonstrated.
You will have the knowledge needed to make soap on your own, in your home.
*Everyone will go home at least 3 bars of soap
and the knowledge to make their own*Space Limited
Please make your reservations ASAP
Email Kristine to sign up - kristineffarley@gmail.com
If you have taken this class before and would like a refresher,
please contact me about special pricing.